UX Designer
App Design, Full UX Case
App Design for people who don't like tedious calculate
Receipts Manager is a digital wallet that lets users conveniently share payments with friends, and manage their personal financial wellness.
Idea from stories
The story is from my friend - Jess. She has a roommate and they buy food and cook together, so they have to split grocery bills. But, they don’t want to do mathematics every time.
Another story is from my mom. Two weeks ago, she went to a supermarket and bought a clock. After a short time, it got broken, and she wanted to return it. But unfortunately, the receipt got lost and it is required to have the receipt to return things.
Method10+10 Design Funnel
It is time to design a digital wallet that allows users to manage all of their receipts, conveniently share payments with friends, and manage their personal financial wellness.
I have a problem to solve, and the ideation method I used to solve it is called "10+10 Design Funnel.”
Step 1. Generate 10 or more different design concepts of a system that address this challenge.
Step 2. Reduce the number of design concepts and choose the most promising design concept(s) as a starting point and produce 10 details/variations of a particular design concept.
After the whole process, I narrowed my app's main functions to cover the receipts' life from the beginning to the end.
Sketching Paper Prototype
I made two versions of paper sketches and followed iOS design guidelines, such as line icons, tab bars, text size, layout, etc. I pinned them on the wall to clarify the wireframe structure.
Paper Prototype Usability Testing
I did paper prototype testing with four classmates and had lots of feedback for my app iteration.
Branching Wireframe
App UI Design
Main Functions
Walkthrough & Sign Up
The home page of this app is a list of receipts.
Pay and get a receipt
Using Apple Pay/Google Wallet or other digital wallets to pay your bill and get a receipt.
Split Bills
Split bills with your roommates or any friends who need to share payments with you.
Scan to get a receipt.
Return Reminder
Set a return reminder and return things using digital receipts.
Search your purchased history.
View your spending dashboard, coupons, transitions, etc. and manage your financial wellness.
Made with ❤️ by Qian