Aim2Be App

My role

Interaction designer, visual designer

Created in



App Interaction Design


Sketch, Flinto


Aim2Be was designed for and by Canadian youth, ages 13-17, who want to make positive changes to their overall health. Aim2Be helps you set realistic health goals for eating, activity, screen time and sleep, with a twist of living green.

Level up your life:

  • Eat healthily and mindfully
  • Be well-rested
  • Manage screen time
  • Be active
  • Reduce sugar and sugary drinks
  • Feel good about yourself


  • Choose your own aims and follow the program for points
  • Test your knowledge in quizzes
  • Share challenges and successes on the social wall
  • Aimbot, the online chat support, can help you get going

Aim2Be users are part of a research study and need a code to open the app. To learn more about the study, visit



The app itself is not my design work. I designed the app store images, and all the following interaction prototypes.

App store visual


Confidence Mapping

As a quick win, confidence mapping model serves a purpose of checking the confidence level of patients, and also dive into the reasons that affect them most.

The deer's facial emotions visually made the assessment less boring and more fun!


Aim Flow

Aims are the main function of this app. It is crucial to make the aim-creating process intuitive and easy to use. This prototype was created for testing the whole flow with users.


Task Flow

This is a full flow of finishing a daily task.


Quick win - Baseline assessment

As a quick win, the baseline assessment helps healthcare providers have a better understanding of the patient's basic condition.


Get Parental Support

This is the get parental support flow, which directly creates communication between teens and their parents. Getting more support from parents makes the goal-achieving process easier for teens.


Which animal are you?

A fun quiz to get know more about yourself.


Parent companion app

Study participants’ parents receive a ​​​​​​​parent companion app for Aim2Be. Users of the parent companion app cannot see teen user activity. You can ask your parents for support if you choose to ask.


Made with ❤️ by Qian